The first step in this exciting ministry takes men through a 6-part video training series taught by Robert Lewis, author of Raising-a Modern-Day Knight.  This compelling series provides the framework to enhance you and your son’s relationship as they journey toward becoming authentic men in Christ--while answering the questions “What does it mean to be a man, and how do you know when you become one”.


We “spike” the conclusion of the series by holding a Dad’s Commitment Ceremony.  At this gathering, sons witness firsthand their father’s pledge to raise them up as modern-day knights.


Beyond the video series RMDK ministry provides:

Resources - Bible-based studies for you and your son

Roundtable, father/son adventures: camping, fishing, beach and local recreation.

Service Opportunities (a Transcendent Cause) - Holiday outreaches and Serve San Clemente projects


RMDK Video Series Trailer

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RMDK video series trailer.