Preparing God's Future Arsenal
Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift? The fruit of the womb His generous legacy? Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Psalm 127: 3-5 (MSG)
Ever thought of your children as armaments, as a future arsenal to be raised up against the enemy of this word, to be honed into weapons of light, fearless to stand for Christ?
I hadn’t fully considered that word picture either until I began reflecting on the above passage in Psalm. We know our priority ought to be following the instructions given to parents laid out by God in Deuteronomy 6:6-9. Where He implores us to first get His Word inside us and then into our children since our highest concern should focus on their assurance of salvation. Walk with them, talk with them, continually telling our youngsters who God is, about His Love for them, and that since He’s designed them He also has a plan for them.
The purpose here is manifold but as you read the scriptures it is clear the Lord is always gazing down the generational lines. He asks us to remember what He has done in the past and tell it to those coming after us. We are to raise our sons and daughters mindful of their intended purpose. This passage in Psalm should serve to broaden our interpretation of how we are to bring up our children. Like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior which have been prepared for battle, so too should the next generation be equipped for the battle against our King’s enemy. This equipping does not include coddling, over protecting and ensuring their comfort. It means character development and discernment--traits that come about through challenges and charges. However, it also does not mean confusing our parental roles with God’s. He is to direct their steps on the path laid out for them from eternity past. Our role is to develop their ability to hear and respond to God’s calling on their lives. This is how we fulfill our mission to sharpen those arrows and launch them into the battle as they represent God’s next generational salvo in bringing Christ’s light into an ever-darkening world. A “generous legacy” indeed!
(Also inspired by article from Cindy Malott)