Father & Son study materials based on RMDK book
RMDK Study Starter Pack
Sample detailed overview on facilitating the RMDK study course for dads.
RMDK Study Starter Pack.doc
Microsoft Word document [30.5 KB]
Sample detailed overview on facilitating the RMDK study course for dads.
RMDK Study Starter Pack.doc
Microsoft Word document [30.5 KB]
Dad's Commitment Ceremony Outline
Outline and sample directives for conducting the DCC
Ceremony Description Outline for Dads.do[...]
Microsoft Word document [31.5 KB]
Outline and sample directives for conducting the DCC
Ceremony Description Outline for Dads.do[...]
Microsoft Word document [31.5 KB]
Dad's Commitment Certificate
Certificate for dad to present to son after participating in the commitment ceremony. There is room to place a picture of dad & son from the ceremony on the certificate.
JPG image [160.6 KB]
Certificate for dad to present to son after participating in the commitment ceremony. There is room to place a picture of dad & son from the ceremony on the certificate.
JPG image [160.6 KB]
Real Man Definition Study
Four-part study for dads to introduce and expand the definitions of what being a real man means. Includes flash cards for description and supporting bible verses, and fun Madagascar Penguin excercise
Compressed archive in ZIP format [448.0 KB]
Four-part study for dads to introduce and expand the definitions of what being a real man means. Includes flash cards for description and supporting bible verses, and fun Madagascar Penguin excercise
Compressed archive in ZIP format [448.0 KB]
Study of the 4 key characteristics of Christ as he matured
Four-part study based on Luke 2:52 covering increasing in: wisdom, stature, favor with God, and favor with men.
Christ Characteristics Study.doc
Microsoft Word document [59.0 KB]
Four-part study based on Luke 2:52 covering increasing in: wisdom, stature, favor with God, and favor with men.
Christ Characteristics Study.doc
Microsoft Word document [59.0 KB]
Preparation-for-baptism study incorporating RMDK training
Interactive study for dads helping prepare their sons for baptism.
RMDK Baptism Prep Class.doc
Microsoft Word document [35.0 KB]
Interactive study for dads helping prepare their sons for baptism.
RMDK Baptism Prep Class.doc
Microsoft Word document [35.0 KB]
Code of Conduct for framing
Code of Conduct with supporting Bible scripture. Replace Coat of Arms with your own or other meaningful picutre.
Code of Conduct.docx
Microsoft Word document [197.6 KB]
Code of Conduct with supporting Bible scripture. Replace Coat of Arms with your own or other meaningful picutre.
Code of Conduct.docx
Microsoft Word document [197.6 KB]